Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Week 21 - IT'S A GIRL!!!!!

We now know that Charlotte Fay will be joining our family in November and we couldn't be happier!  The ultrasound experience was really great!  You can definitely see in this picture that it is a girl and not a boy...the three lines are girl parts for sure!  Here are some more pictures...the little foot where you can see the toe is my absolute favorite!  It is so hard to believe that three short months ago the ultrasound just was a little blob of white and now everything is formed and looks like a for real baby!

For this week, Charlotte is weighing in at one pound and is the size of a Pomegranate!

I found a really neat idea to reveal the gender to both of our families.  Our ultrasound was on Thursday, June 20th and we got both families together for dinner at Granite City Brewery (one of our favorites).  I had made cupcakes the night before...one set had blue icing in the middle and one set had pink icing.  After our ultrasound I loaded all the pink cupcakes up for the reveal before dinner!
 Everyone bit into their cupcakes at the same time and this picture is priceless with the reaction to a girl!  Allison couldn't be any more happy and my dad looks like he just won the lottery!

It was a really different way to tell everybody and was such a fun night all around!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Week 20 - HALFWAY THERE!!!

LBN is the size of a banana this week!  (Think length not width)  We are finally out of the teens and halfway to our November due date!  I am feeling lots of movement these days/nights.  There are either ballet moves or soccer moves going on in there!  All of the pregnancy websites say that my uterus has reached level with my belly button...and boy am I feeling bigger by the day these last two weeks or so.
Two more days until we have our ultrasound to find out if we are having a little girl or a little boy!  I am 95% sure it is a boy...just a feeling I've had from the beginning.  So after Thursday LBN will either be Charlotte or Harrison.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Week 19 - Belly Time

I feel like my belly grew double in size this week from last week.  Along with that I have had some cramping and I can really feel the pulling and stretching.  LBN is the size of a small cantaloupe this week.  I have decided to start holding the designated fruit for the week so we all can compare the fruit to the belly. 
Also, in better news I FINALLY FEEL LBN moving around!!  It started as a little flutter which I thought could just be gas but I really think it was something more.  I also felt a really firm something after Dave's soccer game this week waiting in the car at the gas station.  This is all starting to become more real and exciting. 

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Week 18 - Tornado
This week we had a tornado come through our neighborhood.  We were fortunate and only lost a couple of tree branches.  We all took shelter in the basement and could hear the pressure change by our ears popping.  We were without power for 4 hours and our phones were all messed up.  Without internet, TV or the ability to call or text anyone really is quite annoying and we really didn't know the extent of what had happened until the next day.  Crazy night.
LBN is the size of a large mango this week.  Only two more weeks until we find out the gender.  I reorganized my entire closet this weekend and only have my maternity clothing hanging up.  I can't wait to wear some of my new things I have bought and inherited from Julie and Stephanie!  I have started getting some heartburn which I have never had before in my life so that is a new experience.