Week 21 - IT'S A GIRL!!!!!
We now know that Charlotte Fay will be joining our family in November and we couldn't be happier! The ultrasound experience was really great! You can definitely see in this picture that it is a girl and not a boy...the three lines are girl parts for sure! Here are some more pictures...the little foot where you can see the toe is my absolute favorite! It is so hard to believe that three short months ago the ultrasound just was a little blob of white and now everything is formed and looks like a for real baby!
For this week, Charlotte is weighing in at one pound and is the size of a Pomegranate!
I found a really neat idea to reveal the gender to both of our families. Our ultrasound was on Thursday, June 20th and we got both families together for dinner at Granite City Brewery (one of our favorites). I had made cupcakes the night before...one set had blue icing in the middle and one set had pink icing. After our ultrasound I loaded all the pink cupcakes up for the reveal before dinner!
Everyone bit into their cupcakes at the same time and this picture is priceless with the reaction to a girl! Allison couldn't be any more happy and my dad looks like he just won the lottery!
It was a really different way to tell everybody and was such a fun night all around!