Monday, August 26, 2013


The 20's are finally over!!  YAY!!!  At my doctor appointment today Charlotte's heartbeat was 145 and I gained 6 pounds in the last 2 weeks...YIKES!  That makes a total of 23 pounds so far...I think I may be in trouble!  The doctor said my swelling has some to do with that but that I need to lay off the fast food and processed food...FINE...I will try to do better!  I am measuring dead on for 30 weeks and now I am going for checkups every two weeks. 
Dave and I had our Birthing Class at the hospital this past Saturday.  We were there from 8:30-3:15 and I'm glad we knocked it all out in one day rather than four evening classes.  We learned a lot and viewed a lot more gross things than we cared to see.  All I can say is bring on the drugs when they are needed!!  There is no possible way I am putting myself through some of the pain I saw these women go thanks! 
We are getting very close to being done with the is what it looks like so far:

We still have some decorating left to do but for the most part it is all finished!  I can't wait for my showers so we can start filling drawers and hanging little tiny clothes on little tiny hangers!
My sister already bought me my diaper bag...we went to the new outlet mall that just opened in Chesterfield and found an awesome one at Kate Spade!  I can't wait to use it!  It has a ton of interior pockets and a diaper changing pad.


Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Week 29 - Swelling

Baby Charlee is the size of a Butternut Squash this week.  I had my 28 week checkup last week and I am measuring right on.  I took the sugar test and haven't heard anything so no news is good news.  That drink was like pouring straight sugar down my throat and made me feel sick and jittery.  When the girl took my blood it burned while she was drawing it.  I have also started swelling in the last week in my ankle/feet area which looks awful. 
All of the furniture is set up in the nursery how we like it.  We just have to hang all of the décor which I hope we can do on Sunday.  We are taking a birthing class this Saturday from 8:30-5:30 that includes a tour of the hospital.  I hope to learn a ton about the delivery process and breastfeeding.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Week 28 - Crafts

Baby Charlotte is the size of a small head of cabbage this week!  She is roughly 17 inches long and weighs almost 3 pounds.  She is expected to double or even triple in her weight over the next 12 weeks...gotta admit I'm pretty scared about that part!  I go tomorrow for my sugar test and am hoping to pass with flying colors!
This past weekend was spent crafting project with my are some of our creations:

We repainted the chair and put new fabric on the seat and we hot glued Styrofoam circles with the same fabric.  Both match Charlotte's bedding...we actually cut up a Pottery Barn crib sheet to make both projects!  Part of the furniture has been moved into the nursery except for the four drawer dresser as it came to our house damaged...we are exchanging that piece tonight at Babies R' Us and hope to have the room put together in the next week or so!

Monday, August 5, 2013

Week 27 - 3rd Trimester Has Arrived!!

Baby Charlotte is the size of a rutabaga this week.  No idea what that is as I have never eaten this before, but that is what the website said so I am going with it.  She is around 16 inches long and weighing in around 2.5 pounds. 
I am getting more and more uncomfortable as the days go by.  I cannot wait to sleep on my stomach again.  When I say out loud that I only have 13 weeks to go, it sounds so short but then to put it in terms of 3 more months that seems sooo far away!  I have a feeling I am going to hate these next few months.  I am already discouraged that I can't run as far and fast as I would like.  As my uterus takes over my lung space it is getting harder to breathe while running.  My runs have turned in to mostly walking which is ok.  As long as I can get out there and do something active two or three days a week.
Carpet got installed today in record time...three guys were here and it took 45 minutes!  Both rooms are complete and ready for furniture / decorating!
I have a couple of Pinterest projects I will be working on this weekend.  I have found a couple of items that I can't wait to transform.  The chair I found at a great antique store and was able to get it for half off!  I also just checked my Etsy order and it just shipped on Saturday.  This lady in Idaho made four wall hangings for the nursery.  My next blog will hopefully have pictures of all these items completed.  Time to get crafty!!!